It's one of those nights where I'm finding it almost impossible to sleep at the moment, and if I wasn't blogging I would be heading straight over to Missguided and spending my final budget before payday. But I refuse to let this happen! Am I really being sensible? Or Maybe because it's next weeks budget and I've had my eye on some River Island Jeans? (Yep you guessed it the second reason is the only thing restraining me from entering the addictive Missguided Website) Of course I should be sleeping just like any of you out there who are still stuck on what to do at these ungodly hours, But I thought I'd share what I'm happy about at the moment (I got this idea from
Fashion Train so and go check her out!).

It might sound silly but this frozen yoghurt was a major stepping stone for me (although I did fall at the hurdle when if came to toppings as you can probably see!) I'm trying to make an effect to improve my diet and fitness by attempting to eliminate unhealthy foods and trying alternatives.
After visiting the bloggers event a few weeks back I've been so motivated to make this blog a success, because I do genuinely enjoy Blogging whether it's my outfit choices of just my views on situations. So it's save to save I've been approaching just about everyone I can think of in an attempt to generate some awareness so stay tuned on that front!
After seeing the events at coachella pan out with the sunshine making an appearance daily, I am so excited for summer! Although the weather today was amazing so my excitement meter is currently through the roof. So prepare for summer outfits from now on!
I officially finish College in 7 and a half weeks and I couldn't more happy to move on to the next chapter of my life! Every now and again fear sneaks into my mind about my plans because university is not on the cards for me but I'm a firm believer in fate so all I can do is worn hard and hope for the best at the minute.
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