By Sian Wilkinson, An 18 Year Old Fashion PR Intern.

Monday, 23 June 2014

What's next?

What's next? It's a question that I find myself asking all too often now, both to those around me as well as to myself. With school, college and university students all graduating from their educations at a seemingly fast pace it seems that there's a large amount of us out there with the same questions and for some the same fears and worries! I know that with me I like to constantly have a plan so when my college course finally came to an end a few weeks back whilst I was overwhelmed at the idea of being free from uninterested lecturers and even more unwilling students there was a question in the back of my mind. This being "Oi Sian now college is done what are you going to do all week?!" And whilst I didn't want to turn into a 24/7 worrier, I knew that I needed some sort of plan or direction that I knew I wanted to take. Throughout my years at college on multiple occasions I thought that I had found the answers to the question that never seems to be answered, from a therapist to a Television Producer it's safe to say i'm not one of those people who has had a real passion that could be turned into a career someday. Independence is extremely important and as much as the government and our parents assure us we don't, we are required to think and act responsibly from a fairly young age. My college education was less than beneficial and If i'd know what it was like beforehand I would have seriously reconsidered my choice to attend a college in a completely different area. (I'm From South East London and my college was in Kings Cross) Now i'm not saying this to bash the college i'm just speaking the truth and my determination to succeed is probably down to their lack of encouragement and belief in the students.
I won't sugarcoat this when you leave secondary education, college or university it's best to have a general idea of where you want to be and how you can get on your way to there. Either through work experience placements, internships etc. And if you have a company in mind then great! Contact them and get the ball rolling as soon as possible. A detailed plan is not always necessary although if you have one great, I mean you know more than me! But life is unpredictable and our interests and dreams can change so be willing to take a risk if an opportunity comes along because you might discover a new passion or path that you want to decend upon. Like many others I'm still unsure of where I want to be although I know that fashion is my calling, and I'm willing to try out everything to see what I enjoy. Although retail is definetley not where I want to stay! I'm more than just a little excited to see where my life will take me (I'm hoping Paris?!) and with my extra time at the minute I'm more than happy to focus on blogging and relaxing before I secure a full time placement in somewhere fashiony.
So don't fret guys there's more of us in the same boat than you think, and you know venture around do something crazy and unexpected it's okay! You'll get to where you want to be eventually. (What an inspiring thought) That's it from me today xx

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