By Sian Wilkinson, An 18 Year Old Fashion PR Intern.

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Kim And Kendall Feud

Whilst I assure those around me know that I don't exactly "Love" the Kardashians, I will admit that they are a truly beautiful family who have somehow managed to make millions from doing well very not much at all. With fragrances, Books, Adult and Clothing Ranges, and Makeup collections the family are certainly raking in the cash! And that's only from the 3 older sisters and the deals that we know about. Anyway there's always something crazy going on in the family which is not really a surprise, with that many vain people in just one family toes are bound to be stepped on, actually scrap that crushed! Anyway we all know about Kim's rags to riches story, from hideous nobody who somehow became a groupie for Paris Hilton until the infamous sex tape was revealed and she managed to scrape together another money to completely transform herself and put her family on the map. Now just recently I found out how much Kim put up with from Paris, with demands to clean her closet and being told when and when not to speak it's no suprise that she decided to seek fame some other way. And what easier way than an x rated leaked tape??

Anyway Kim has got to a point where she doesn't need Paris and the pair haven't bumped into each other in a significantly long time. And with Paris claiming she "Created" Kim which is not that much of a lie, it wouldn't be suprising if Kim went out of her way to avoid the outspoken heiress. So you can imagine Kim's annoyance when snaps have been posted  of Paris, Nicole and her supermodel sister Kendall Jenner together. I'm sure that with Kendall's success as such a young age she'll begin to feel outdated and it's said that she's becoming really envious of the 18 year olds slender frame. I say go for it Kendall I'd like to see her coming out of her shell and really having some fun, I mean she's so young and she must feel under so much pressure not just from her family but from her fans and the world that are watching her every move. It's also been reported that Kendall is not interested in making up with Kim, and to me it's one of those arguments that can't really be resolved until either Kendall turns her back on Paris, or if the Kardashians and Hiltons have a reunion. Which is almost indefinitely out of the question.
So how will this end? Who knows. Kim will probably turn on the waterworks and run straight to hubby and then mummy to see what can be done, I'm sure if Kanye had his way Kendall will be housebound for the rest of her life. But she's young, beautiful, and the girl of the minute so why shouldn't she be out having a little fun? What do you think?!

Happy Thursday.x

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